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Sisoft Sandra 2001 Pro CPU benchmark

Tyan i815T
CPU Dhrystone 3374
FPU Whetstone 1617
Soltek SL-75DRV
CPU Dhrystone 3389
FPU Whetstone 1658

Right after I tell you that we won't use the SL-75DRV's numbers I came across this very good comparison. I had to throw in the numbers for the Soltek DDR board so you can see just how impressive a score the Tyan Tomcat i815T obtained. It would be nice if all CPUs with similar clock ratings would obtain such similar scores. You can download Sandra here.

Sisoft Sandra 2001 Pro Memory Streaming benchmark

Tyan i815T
ALU/RAM Bandwidth 256
FPU/RAM Bandwidth 255
Soltek SL-75KAV
ALU/RAM Bandwidth 455
FPU/RAM Bandwidth 587

We went back to the PC133 based Soltek SL-75KAV so that we could compare PC133 preformance between the two boards. I have to wonder if this is some sort of anomoly - the same stick of memory between the two boards is giving extremely different results. I am actually quite surpised by this as you'll see there are more close comparisons to follow. I repeated this test several times trying to make changes in the BIOS but I could not find the reason that the Tomcat scored so low on this benchmark.


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