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AMD Duron 800
Heatsink & Fan
Global Win FOP38
Soyo K7VTA
128 MB Micron -e8 SDRAM
Hard Drive(s)
Maxtor DiamondMax 80


Sony 48X
Sound Card
On board 3D Surround (AC97 Codec)
Video Card
ATI All-in-Wonder 32MB DDR

Operating System
Windows ME
Video / VIA Drivers

VIA 4.25 4in1 drivers with VIA 4.04AGP driver

ATI 4.13.7041 WHQL All-in-Wonder drivers

Microsoft DirectX 7.1

Benchmarking Applications
Quake III Arena v1.25
Madonion 3DMark 2000 v1.
Sisoft Sandra 2001


Once again Soyo has included their Soyo Combo Menu in the Award BIOS. This is very handy for those quick system tweaks. Once you enter the BIOS the Soyo menu is the first one on the list and includes all the functions which you are likely to be changing often.

With the recent explosion in CPU performance, RAM bandwidth is one component which is both very performance limiting and sensitive to tweaking. In all of our testing, we used the default BIOS options with the onboard legacy audio turned off and RAM set to 133MHz @ CAS 3.

On the video card, we used the default settings in the ATI drivers for both OpenGL and DirectX.

