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WHAT TECHIES KNOW - Finding Answers On the Web

The web is an endless stream of information - but finding the information you're interested in can be an exercise in frustration. You know it's out there, but where? The following guide is designed to help you dig that needle from beneath the haystack -- and help you find your way back to those sites you forgot to bookmark.

You Are Not Alone

Something that works on your side is the fact that unless you're very, very special, you're likely not the first person to experience the very problem you're trying to resolve. The answer is out there. Resources at Your Fingertips If you know all the types of sites offering the sort of information you're interested in, you'll know if you missed something. Here's a short list:

Manufacturers' Sites - It's tantamount to asking "Are you sure the power switch is on?" - but people often overlook the most obvious place to go for help. Hardware and software companies alike will often have very useful information posted, in the form of searchable support databases and FAQs. You might find updated drivers as well, or a software patch or update.

Software Publishers' Sites - Obviously, look here for help with programs and operating systems -- but don't forget that many heavy-duyt applications and games reveal shortcomings in hardware.

Tech Sites - Sites like Targetpc are constantly thrashing computer hardware and reporting on their findings. There are also myriad other specialized sites, offering info on specific areas of computing, ranging from digital video production to networking. Look for "Links" pages on sites you already like, and check out a directory such as Yahoo! to find more.

PC Gaming Sites - No one thrashes their hardware harder or runs into more problems than an avid gamer. Always shuffling video cards and likely to overclock anything, gamers know hardware. Well, fast hardware that's suitable for gaming, anyway.

User Groups - There are UGs for almost every aspect of computing you can think of, from using Lotus or WordPerfect (still!). Still others are less focused, being general PC users groups, comrpised of techie-types. Many publish electronic newsletters with frequently useful bits of information.

Hardware "Groupie" Sites - Many popular pieces of hardware have dedicated fans who will host an 'unofficial' web site to share information about a particular motherboard, cd burner, even a specific chipset or chipset manufacturer.

Newsgroups - There are newsgroups devoted to many specific areas of computing, such as storage or 3D graphics, as well as hardware manufacturer specific groups. The search engine Google allows you to search over a decades' worth of postings using their Google Groups feature. A fabulous resource, but it helps to be in the mood for a lot of reading.

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